Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm gonna Complain Today

Ok, so today I'm gonna whine and complain... My washing machine is wanting to be a pain and wants to work when it wants too so I guess it is going to the top of hubby's honey do list and while he is thinking about that I will have to start looking at Washing Machines and decide on what we can afford for a new one. I'm hard on Washing machines, I think I have had 5 in the 18 years we have been married so I keep hoping someone will make a Washing Machine that will hold up to me. I do alot of laundry and that is the way it is when your kid is an active teenager who plays tons of sports and there are always uniforms and work out clothes to be washed.

I'm also gonna complain about my cell phone. I guess if I was a kid this would be a dream phone but Sprint sort of has people over a barrel in my opinion. Depending on the phone you choose you now have to make a decision and take the everything plan for like $99.99 the first line and it goes from there or you stay with a generic can't do everything you want phone and keep a regular plan. Well with life the way it is I know we can't afford the everything plan we have too much of life going on around us. So, I got the Rant when our contract was up. It is a pretty red not the pink of my old one but it is pretty. It has a slide Qwerty keyboard which is nice when I remember I have it... but I hate the fact that if you don't have the voice telling you who is calling you can't always hear the phone ring. I hate the fact that you can talk for awhile but then you start to break up on the other end and it gets annoying..It isn't like I live in the boonies either. We are in the city so we should have no problems. I just wish things were still where you can get a phone you want with the plan that best fits you instead of a one size fits mosts but most can't afford them.

Ok enough of my whining...I'm off to clean house and finish my book...Watch for the posting coming on Wednesday on What you reading Wednesday...

Have a great day,

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